About Us
Come as you are! We want to celebrate with you!
What to Expect
How long is the service?
We start at 10:30am and it lasts about 70 minutes.
Are there kids programs?
Yes, on the first Sunday of every month.
Do I need to dress up?
Nope. We're really casual. Come just as you are.
​What if I need breakfast?
We have great coffee, tea, ​and snacks available.
Do you meet in-person every week?
Missional Communites meet regularly every week,
but in-person gatherings are three times a month.

Knexions Kids
Knexions Kids is a safe and fun environment for kids aged 3 - grade 5. We have kids programs on the first Sunday of each month, and family moments at every Sunday gathering, but it doesn't stop there! Each month we prepare new teaching and object lessons, boxed up and delivered straight to your door!
In-Person Gatherings
Every week, we bring our missional communities together and celebrate! The first three Sundays are a more traditional service, and the fourth Sunday of every month is a potluck dinner.
While we do our best to stick to this schedule, these gatherings are subject to change. For the most up-to-date info on our next gathering, please check our facebook page, or with your Missional Community leaders.
Calgary South Holiday Inn
8360 Blackfoot Trail SE, Calgary, AB T2J 7E1